Smart Thermometer using Arduino with Android Application.Wall Mount Non-Contact Thermometer using Arduino.Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer Gun using Arduino.Contactless Body Temperature screening using RFID and Arduino with MLX90614.Arduino based digital thermometer using MAX30205.Previously, we have also built other similar thermometers for body temperature measurement, you can find them here. It can also measure the body temperature, which we will be able to see in our display, so without further ado, let's get right into it. So, today in this article, we will be making a simple Raspberry-Pi based thermal image sensor that can detect the temperature of any object.

A thermal temperature sensor that can measure the temperature of the human body can also be used in multiple domains for a variety of applications like Medical Diagnosis (which can detect skin diseases, tumors, and even some forms of cancers), fault detection (in circuits and appliances) Defense and surveillance (for night vision and human detection) and many more. As the pandemic situation worsens in 2021, more and more noncontact temperature detection tools are in demand. Thermal imaging is considered to be one of those state-of-the-art technologies in computer vision that in the modern-day scenario finds its application in various places.